
March 30, 2023

Drinking flowers - Hibiscus Tea

Hello Friends,
Good Morning to all..
its been long time that i have posted here.
lot of things happened in life.... thats the reason for not posting anything.
some of you are aware about the toughest times of those traumatic days.
Finally i am back with the grace of god and with the blessings of you.

 i have loads of books for review, which i couldnt able to do all these days, but from now on i will post the reviews of books. so sorry for the delay and thanks a ton for understanding condition. A very special thanks to Rajalakshmi.

In todays post, i am going to share the receipe of Hibiscus Tea, which has got lot of Medicinal values in it. i Just love the vibrant red colour of this beautiful flower. This Tea is a wonderful cooler for this summer.


Hibiscus flowers - 5

Lemon - 1

Honey / Sugar - 1 Tbsp

Lemon Slices - 3 ( for Garnishing)


Boil 1 cup of water. Take the petals of the of the flower and wash it in water. add the petals to the boiling water. the flower starts bleeding it colour. let it boil for a minute and filter the tea, add lemon juice to the tea which enchances the colour of the tea. after adding the lemon juice the tea turns into bright red colour. now add honey or sugar according to your taste. garnish with lemon slices and serve hot.

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